
Innovative Management Concepts, Inc. (IMC) has achieved successful performance on more than 130 Federal prime contracts since 1989. IMC has provided its Federal and commercial clients with cutting-edge information technology solutions by placing a high priority on modernization, enhancing business processes through technology, and creating efficiencies through automation. 

IMC's four ISO logosIMC team members commit to the following principles to guide our daily efforts:

  • Cultivate and maintain a customer-centered focus.
  • Embrace technology at every opportunity.
  • Promote and encourage innovation.
  • Demonstrate teamwork and pride.

IMC's goal is to deliver excellence in all that we do and our team members strive to provide exceptional quality. IMC's Quality Policy provides a framework for the setting and the review of quality objectives in addition to our commitment to satisfy applicable customers’, regulatory, and legislative requirements as well as our commitment to continually improve our management system.

IMC has four International Organization for Standards (ISO) certifications that demonstrate our ability to provide our key services to government and commercial clients:

ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System,

ISO 20000-1:2018 Information Technology Service Management,

ISO 27001:2022 Information Security Management, and

ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System

CMMI level 3 dev and svc logosCommitted to continuous improvement and closing the capability gap, IMC has been appraised at level 3 of the CMMI Institute’s Capability Maturity Model Integration for both Development and Services.

What does this mean?

CMMI Maturity Level 3 is classified as Defined. IMC's processes are well characterized and understood, and are described in standards, procedures, tools, and methods. CMMI Level 3 Development and Services means that for our customers, IMC takes a proactive approach to managing projects and processes and we are dedicated to continuous improvement and producing great work that makes a difference.

IMC takes information protection and security seriously, and we are CMMC Level 2 (Ver 2.0) compliant. The Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) 2.0 program is the next iteration of the Department’s CMMC cybersecurity model. It streamlines requirements to three levels of cybersecurity and aligns the requirements at each level with well-known and widely accepted NIST cybersecurity standards. The CMMC model is designed to protect Federal Contract Information (FCI) and Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) that is shared with contractors and subcontractors of the Department through acquisition programs.

IMC has International Organization for Standards (ISO) certification in 14001:2015 that demonstrates IMC’s commitment to enhancing its environmental performance through an environmental management system. According to the ISO, the standard ISO 14001:2015 is, "intended for use by an organization seeking to manage its environmental responsibilities in a systematic manner that contributes to the environmental pillar of sustainability."

IMC's 2023 Company-Wide Emissions Inventory was performed in May 2024 by Keramida, Inc. using EPA Emissions Factors and actual utility data such as invoices and amount spent on utilities. IMC’s sustainability-related public disclosures of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for scope 1 and scope 2 are as follows. With our commitment to continued improvement, IMC strives to reach a goal of reducing GHG emissions each year by 2%.

 CO2e Emissions (kg)CO2e Emissions (MT)
Scope 100
Scope 235,82335.8

IMC's tradition of service goes beyond contracting…

IMC has a Virginia Values Veterans certification through the Commonwealth of Virginia, demonstrating that IMC values veterans and that we have made a public commitment to hire Veterans into our workforce. We also have a Statement of Support from the Northern Virginia Area Committee for Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve recognizing our human resource policies in support of civilian employees who serve in the National Guard and Reserve Forces.


Innovative Management Concepts (IMC) was founded by Dr. Robert Might after his retirement from the Air Force in 1989, and initially IMC was focused on organizational communications consulting work for while Dr. Might was working as a professor at George Mason University. IMC’s first major prime win was in 1997 and, later that year, IMC was awarded a GSA Schedule for Information Technology Services. 

The IMC leadership team includes:

Dr. Robert MightBob has more than 50 years of experience in research and development. He spent 20 years in many different positions in the United States Air Force. Some of his more interesting assignments have included the job of chief range control officer at Patrick Air Force Base (Cape Canaveral) and as chief analyst for the Conventional Arms Negotiations just prior to the breakup of the Warsaw Pact. While on active duty in the Air Force, Dr. Might taught part time at eight different universities; in 1990 he became a full-time associate professor of Systems Engineering at George Mason University. Dr. Might's research turned into real products and services when he opened the doors of Innovative Management Concepts. Dr. Might has BS and MS degrees in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering from the University of Illinois, an MBA from National University, and a Ph.D. in Production and Operations Management from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Mike Sandberg, IMC’s president and chief operations officer (COO) is an IT services and data center expert. Mr. Sandberg oversees operational aspects of all of IMC’s contracts and task orders and provides data center expertise and guidance for several IMC projects, including on prem data centers and cloud-based data centers. Prior to IMC, Mr. Sandberg served as the senior vice president and chief technology officer of Vision Technologies, Inc. and as the senior director of hosting operations and critical systems for Qwest Communications. Mr. Sandberg’s professional experience includes providing strategic and technical direction for data center migration, data center design, and architecture and managed services. He has managed 18 data centers in North America and four data centers in Asia Pacific. 

Mike MetzMike has more than 30 years of experience as an officer in the United States Air Force and as a government contracts manager. His Air Force experience included operational experience in the United States, Asia, and Europe, flying and instructing during tactical fighter assignments. His Pentagon experience includes leadership of an analyst team in Headquarters Air Force Operations and Plans and military assistant to the Director of Net Assessment in the Office of the Secretary of Defense. As a contractor, Metz has led a large number of teams performing defense analysis, simulation testing, and software testing. He is a leading expert on simulation verification, validation, and accreditation and software independent verification and validation. He has a BS degree from West Virginia University in Communications, an MA degree from Central Michigan University in Management, and an MS from George Mason University in Information Systems. He began his IMC career in 1995 as a project manager on multiple DoD simulation projects.

Join our team!

IMC fosters a work environment that incorporates creativity, teamwork, and collaboration. We look for people who are flexible and adaptable. We hire people who have strong skills in their core capability areas, but who also like to learn new skills or share their skills with others within the company. If you are a responsible and customer-oriented person with strong systems engineering and/or IT skills, and are looking for exceptional opportunities for personal and professional growth, consider IMC as your workplace home.

Innovative Management Concepts (IMC) has been working in partnerships with our customers for three decades to adapt information technology to solve problems in business and in government. Our current and recent customers include:

IMC's prior experience also includes work with the following agencies:

What are IMC's contract vehicles?

IMC is a prime contractor on GSA OASIS+ Unrestricted, the National Institute of Health's CIO-SP3 Small Business, Army's Information Technology Enterprise Solutions – 3 Services (ITES-3S), and the GSA Multiple Award Schedule.


Innovative Management Concepts (IMC) has a number of teaming partners that allow us to put together the best mix of experience and past performance for our customers. In addition to our mature and cultivated prime/sub partnerships:

  • IMC has two SBA-approved mentor protegee joint ventures that are SB and SDVOSB certified. 
  • IMC is a part of the Oracle partner ecosystem and a Cyrus One partner for providing data center services across the country. 

IMC partnerships focus on providing our customers with the right skills and experience to get the job done. Are you interested in partnering with IMC? Let us know!

Both of IMC's joint ventures are Small Business Administration-certified SDVOSBs. Verification can be found at Veteran Small Business Certification (VetCert).

forefront digital technologies logoForefront Digital Technologies is a joint venture between IMC and MBL Technologies.

Forefront Digital Technologies specializes in providing a comprehensive suite of services including technology transformation, IT service management, data management, DevOps/DevSecOps, user experience and website services, network/systems engineering and support, cloud, FedRAMP advisory services, cybersecurity, privacy and data protection, and operational resilience. Forefront Digital Technologies is a CMMC Registered Provider Organization (RPO). 

Find out more at Forefront Digital Technologies' website.

Forefront Digital Technologies is a GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) holder.gsa shedule contract logo

GSA MAS Contract Number is 47QTCA24D001M. 

Supplies and services are categorized in GSA MAS by a Special Item Number (SIN). FDT has three SINs on our GSA MAS contract:

  • SIN 54151S/STLOC/RC - Information Technology Professional Services
  • SIN 518210C – Cloud Computing and Cloud Related IT Professional Services
  • SIN 541990RISK – Risk Assessment and Mitigation Services

For more information on GSA MAS, visit the GSA Schedule website.


RiTC logoRightInnovative Technology Concepts (RiTC) is a joint venture between IMC and RightDirection Technology Solutions (RDTS).


RiTC provides Federal and commercial clients with cutting-edge information technology solutions by prioritizing modernization, enhancing business processes through technology, and creating efficiencies through automation. RiTC's capabilities and partner experience covers a wide range of services including managed IT services, IT system and network development/management/modernization, software and web development, business intelligence and data analytics, software quality assurance and IV&V, cybersecurity, cloud, and IT and data governance.

Find out more at RiTC's website

IMC has been accepted as an Oracle Government and Oracle Commercial Supplier in Oracle’s Partner Ecosystem, enabling IMC to provide services, combined with Oracle’s technology stack, to meet the critical needs of public and private sector customers.

IMC has been providing support Government Oracle systems for more than a decade. IMC’s CEO founder, Dr. Robert Might, noted that, “Formalizing the relationship with Oracle as a part of the Partner Network is the next step in IMC’s evolution of service delivery for our current and future customers.”

Need Oracle assistance? Let us know at imcinfo@imcva.com!

CyrusOne – Built for Tomorrow. Ready Today.Cyrus One, a nationally recognized provider of data center space, chose IMC to be its first partner to offer Federal data center hosting and cloud managed services in their data centers.

CyrusOne provides data center facilities that protect and ensure the continued operation of IT infrastructure for over 500 customers. They design, build, and operate facilities globally that give customers the flexibility and scale to perfectly match their specific growth needs. CyrusOne specializes in highly reliable enterprise data center facilities with the highest power redundancy (2N architecture) and power-density infrastructure available on the market today.

Through our partnership, we can offer services to any organization that is considering a move to a federally approved data center. These services range from simple colocation to cloud services to fully managed environments. 

Read more about CyrusOne (PDF) or visit their website.